Performance5 min readJanuary 23, 2024

What is Metabolic Testing?

What is a Metabolic Test?

A metabolic test is a type of medical test used to measure the rate at which your body is able to process and use energy.

The test measures how much oxygen your body consumes while at rest, or performing an exercise activity, such as running on a treadmill.

It usually involves 2 tests – the Resting Metabolic Rate test and the VO2 Max test.

By measuring both the amount of oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced, health professionals are able to gain an understanding of how efficiently your body is using energy.

These tests can help provide insight into how well fitness and nutrition plans are working.

The results of a metabolic test can be used to help make adjustments to create an individualized plan that is tailored to your needs and goals.

The information is can also be used to determine whether you are at risk for certain diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease.

Metabolic testing is typically conducted by health professionals, such as doctors, physiotherapists, or registered dieticians.

It is the only truly data-led approach to discovering how your body is performing and to guide bespoke training and weight loss plans.

The Device

The PNOE device we use is a powerful and precise training machine. It measures an athlete’s oxygen uptake, or VO2max, while they exercise in order to gauge their current level of fitness and track progress over time.

It offers real-time feedback on heart rate, oxygen uptake, and energy expenditure, allowing athletes to see and adjust their performance based on the data.

It is also compatible with a variety of sports watches, fitness trackers, and gym equipment so athletes can easily integrate it into their existing training routines.

Metabolic tests are designed for both professional and amateur athletes alike who are looking to optimize their aerobic capacity and fitness, build muscle mass and take their performance to the next level.

It is also there to guide weight loss by considering what heart rate you burn fat and calories the most consistently.

How Does the Test Work?

The VO2 Max test works by using a combination of sensors to measure oxygen uptake during exercise.

It utilizes a wearable mask that measures the heart rate and energy expenditure, as well as two other sensors that measure the amount of oxygen in their airway and the gas exchange taking place within the lungs.

This data is processed to give us your ‘metabolic rate’.

Test and Train Like an Elite Athlete

The Carter & George Practice is breaking down the barriers that traditionally limited access to metabolic testing. Previously, such technology was only available to elite athletes and university testing labs.

With the introduction of this new device, however, it has become much more accessible and affordable for those who want to measure their aerobic fitness levels, help design weight loss plans and improve their performance and overall health.

VO2 Max Test

A VO2 max test is a type of fitness test used to measure an athlete’s aerobic capacity level.

It measures the maximal amount of oxygen an athlete can utilize during exercise and is often used as a benchmark for gauging overall performance potential.

The VO2 Max test typically involves performing an exercise such as running on a treadmill, cycling on a stationary bike, or rowing while connected to a device that measures oxygen uptake, heart rate, and energy expenditure.

The results of the VO2 Max test are then used to determine an athlete’s current fitness level and track their progress over time.

VO2 Max tests provide us with the exact data to accurately design training zones based on heart rate, tell us how efficiently you use different fuel systems, how your heart and lungs respond to exercise and allow us to design programmes that guarantee results if followed – whether that be weight loss, muscle gain or improved performance.

Resting Metabolic Rate Test

The resting metabolic rate test (RMR) provides accurate data to the exact amount of calories you use at rest, and how efficiently your body burns fat and carbohydrate whilst at rest.

Many people have been told they have a slow metabolism, however this is the only way to test your metabolism accurately. Your metabolic rate is simply the number of calories you burn in a day.

This type of testing provides insight into an individual’s metabolism which can be used to help them adjust their diet and exercise routines in order to achieve their desired fitness goals.

The test involves sitting or lying down in a relaxed position and breathing into a device that measures oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and heart rate.

The results of the test provide an accurate estimate of the individual’s caloric needs for weight maintenance as well as performance optimization.

What happens after the test

After your test, we will be able to give you a report, showing your limitations, training zones, suggested calorie intake (for both weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain) and recommended training week – based on your results and goals.

The Most Common uses for Metabolic Testing:

Weight Management Programme

Building personalised and accurate weight loss training plans, through identification of fat burning zones.

We can use the data from the RMR and VO2 Max tests to design bespoke nutrition programmes, ensuring your calorie and energy intake is in line with your goals, thus ensuring sustained and predictable methods to lose weight, and get closer to your body weight goals.

Physical Fitness and Fitness Level

Running/Cycling/Triathletes – in runners and cyclists, we can optimise your fuelling strategy by giving precise data on when you need to refuel.

We can accurately predict the optimum speed or wattage you can sustain for long periods of time without hitting the wall (muscle fatigue) and hitting the lactate threshold – meaning your training schedule will be the most effective it has ever been.

Crossfit/Weight Training – identification of true physiological limiters to avoid you plateauing in your improvement.

Designing accurate training zones and nutrition strategies so that you are always ahead of the game. It can give you daily calorie intake target to maximise muscle mass.

Cardiovascular or Respiratory disease 

The VO2 Max test allows us to identify not only if there is a systemic issues in your circulatory or breathing system – but at what heart rate or breathing frequency it occurs.

This means you can be given specific conservative treatment strategies, such as physical activity plans, as well as having accurate conversations (based on data) with your consultants.

Metabolic disease (eg. Diabetes)

By assessing the body’s ability to use glucose, the VO2 Max test allows us to design specific physical activity training programmes to improve alternate fuel sources and change nutrition strategy towards a more bespoke, balanced diet.

It may also help you discover how to effectively aid weight loss through targeted training zones.


We offer Metabolic testing at our Hertford and Hitchin clinics.

Please contact us to book an appointment.